- Cypher is the only agent that can hold a bombsite alone, without even being there. No one can pass his Cameras and Trapwires undetected. His Cyber Cages that acts like "smokes", and can be activated remotely. Cypher's ultimate reveals the locations of enemies.
Nothing stays hidden from me... nothing.
- Origin:
Hero Skills
- Best
Move |
Reveal |
Hold |
Damage |
Heal |
- The Moroccan information broker, Cypher is a one-man surveillance network who keeps tabs on the enemy's every move. No secret is safe. No maneuver goes unseen. Cypher is always watching.
- Source:
Hero Facts
- ID
- 05
- Name
- Aamir
- Gumshoe
- Loves
- Intel
- Style
- Defensive
- Gender
- Male
- №
- Original Ten
Trapwire C · Basic
Equip a trapwire. Fire to place a destructible and covert tripwire at the targeted location, creating a line that spans between the placed location and the wall opposite. Enemy players who cross a tripwire will be tethered, revealed, and dazed after a short period if they do not destroy the device in time. This ability can be picked up to be Redeployed.
Time after enemy crosses over before stun occurs—3 seconds. It deals 5 damage if not destroyed. Stun lasts about 2.5 seconds.
Charges: 2

Cyber Cage Q · Basic
Instantly toss the cyber cage in front of Cypher. Activate to create a zone that blocks vision and plays an audio cue when enemies pass through it.
Stays for about 7 seconds. It makes a sound cue when enemies are crossing.
Charges: 2

Spycam E · Signature
Equip a spycam. Fire to place the spycam at the targeted location. Re-use this ability to take control of the camera's view. While in control of the camera, Fire to shoot a marking dart. This dart will reveal the location of any player struck by the dart.
Can shot darts every 6 seconds. To remove tracking dart enemy needs 1.5 seconds. Re-use after 15 seconds when picked-up, or 45 seconds when destroyed.
Charges: 1 Cost: Free

Neural Theft X · Ultimate
Instantly use on a dead enemy player in your crosshairs to reveal the location of all living enemy players.
Needs more than 1 seconds to activate. Reveals enemies only once.
Orbs required: 7
Hush Ghost
Non-upgradable skin from the Cypher Contract Chapter 2 Tier 10. The skin have a unique texture, and it is entirely cosmetic, without affecting the gameplay. The skin is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C2T10
White Hat
This gun buddy is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. It is automatically added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 6 of Cypher Contract. The Cypher Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C2T6
Caught on Camera
This spray is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 8 Tier 36 of Ignition : Act 2 Battlepass. But note, that a valid premium battle pass should be purchased to access this item. The premium Ignition : Act 2 costs 1,000 Valorant Points. The Battlepass started on August 5, 2020.
Get via: Ignition : Act 2 · C8T36
This spray is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have their unique 3 sprays. It is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 7 of Cypher Contract. The Cypher Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C2T7
I See You
This animated spray is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have their unique 3 sprays. It is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 4 of Cypher Contract. The Cypher Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C1T4
The Seeker
This spray is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. This spray is distracting, thus it cannot be used in the mid-round. Most, if not all, of agents have their unique 3 sprays. It is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 1 of Cypher Contract. The Cypher Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C1T1
Redeemer's Folly
This agent card is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have at least 2 different player cards. This card is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 9 of Cypher Contract.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C2T9
Valorant Cypher
This agent card is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have at least 2 different player cards. This card is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 2 of Cypher Contract.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C1T2

Mind Thief
This is title from an Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have from 2 to 3 different titles. The title is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 8 of Cypher Contract.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C2T8

This is title from an Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have from 2 to 3 different titles. The title is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 3 of Cypher Contract.
Get via: Cypher Contract · C1T3
Total collectibles: 10
Pick rate · Cypher
Latest changes · Cypher
- 1.11
Temporary charges
Temporary charges will be applied for any abilities that are re-usable within the round whether it's to be recast or be repositioned. These charges aren't carried over into the next round. Camera is still able to be repositioned and recalled but the charges come for free anyways as part of the signature system.
- 1.11
Trapwire upon death
Trapwire is now disabled and revealed upon death. To reduce the total potential impact of these abilities, autonomous traps are now disabled when the deployer dies.
- 1.11
Spy Camera upon death
Spy Camera is now disabled and revealed upon death. We want to encourage Sentinel players to play more thoughtfully and carefully around their traps while increasing the reward for taking out the Sentinel player.
- 1.07
Viper's smoke abilities decay on allies
Decay on all Viper's smoke abilities no longer affects allies. This is mainly targeted towards Viper's Pit, and should help reduce some of the unintentional collateral damage she can cause to her team, while also opening new strategies for playing around her ult as a team.
- 1.04
Cyber Cage pick-up
Cyber Cage can now be picked up during the buy phase.
Patch notes · Cypher
- 1.11
Temporary charges
Temporary charges will be applied for any abilities that are re-usable within the round whether it's to be recast or be repositioned. These charges aren't carried over into the next round. Camera is still able to be repositioned and recalled but the charges come for free anyways as part of the signature system.
- 1.11
Trapwire upon death
Trapwire is now disabled and revealed upon death. To reduce the total potential impact of these abilities, autonomous traps are now disabled when the deployer dies.
- 1.11
Spy Camera upon death
Spy Camera is now disabled and revealed upon death. We want to encourage Sentinel players to play more thoughtfully and carefully around their traps while increasing the reward for taking out the Sentinel player.
- 1.07
Viper's smoke abilities decay on allies
Decay on all Viper's smoke abilities no longer affects allies. This is mainly targeted towards Viper's Pit, and should help reduce some of the unintentional collateral damage she can cause to her team, while also opening new strategies for playing around her ult as a team.
- 1.04
Cyber Cage pick-up
Cyber Cage can now be picked up during the buy phase.
- 1.03
Traps would not trigger
Fixed a Cypher bug where traps that were placed such that they were on the inside of a doorway, would not trigger when someone walked through them.
- 1.02
Tuning around screen effects
Adjusted tuning around screen effects when exiting and entering smokes. Decreased blind "falloff" value. Decreased nearsighted intensity. The previous tuning for smokes made it far too punishing for players to push through and take a calculated risk—really encouraging them to be used as a powerful defensive stall tool. Pushing through a smoke will still be risky, just more reasonable.
- 1.02
Spycam through teleporter doors
Added prevention for Spycam going through teleporter doors on Bind when placed on the frame from the outside.
- 1.02
Cyber Cage on a Trapwire
Fixed an issue where players could place a Cyber Cage on a Trapwire.
- 1.02
Spycam blocked defusal
Fixed an issue where Spycam blocked Spike defusal.
- 1.01
Spycam on teleporter doors
Cypher Spycameras placed on the teleporter door frames on Bind no longer teleport it's view location underground.
- 1.01
Cyber Cage holds the teleporter doors
Cypher's Cyber Cage no longer holds the teleporter doors on Bind open.
- 1.0
Tailwind breaks Trapwires
Tailwind automatically breaks Cypher's Trapwires after being briefly revealed. Tailwind force is powerful enough that Jett should easily be able to break free of any leash. This should allow her a little more freedom to make that aggressive, but risky play that creates space for her team.
- 1.0
Spycam direction
Cypher's Spycam now shows the direction it is looking right when it is possessed.
- 1.0
Spycam locations
Fixed more unintended Cypher Spycam locations.
- 1.0
Block Cypher's Spycam
Continued to block spots on all maps for Cypher's Spycam that prevented counter-play; as always, huge thanks to everyone who helps us find these!
- 1.0
Sound visualization
We've brought in more sounds made by Agents under the category of sounds that display their audio distance on the mini-map via the white circle. This includes ability sounds, reloads, spike interactions and more. Why? We wanted to provide players with the ability to understand when their noise can be heard by enemies and give them an idea of how far the sounds can be heard.
- 0.50
Cypher no longer float
Cypher will no longer float in the air if the Sage Barrier Orb wall they are standing on is destroyed while when using the Spycam.
- 0.50
Cyber Cage no longer slows
Cyber Cage no longer slows enemies that move through it. We've always envisioned Cypher as a premier sentinel gathering info on his enemies and picking them off, but the slow on the cage was allowing him to move into Sage's territory by stalling an entire enemy team. We still think this will be a tool he uses to buy some time, but enemies will now have more options when pushing his defenses, especially when coordinated.
- 0.50
Trapwire no pickup
Cypher can no longer pick up his trap after an enemy has triggered it.
- 0.50
Spycam cooldown
Spycam cooldown when destroyed increased from 30 to 45 seconds. Spycams have been flying into enemy territory like Sova darts at the start of rounds because the punishment for losing one to an enemy is so low. Hopefully this change pushes you to find a safe hiding place for your initial camera (please not inside a box).
- 0.50
Spycam exploits
Added fixes for Cypher Spy Camera exploits to all three maps—a huge thanks to everyone who has helped us track these down, including clutch stream's we lurked in for two days, writing down every camera placement and fixing them in real time.
- 0.50
Ability details in the combat report
Ability details in the combat report will now correctly appear in the buy phase of the round when teams switch sides.
- 0.50
Players appeared to be standing
Fixed a rare bug where players appeared to be standing, when they were actually crouching.
- 0.49
Smoothed out movement
Smoothed out movement during player-to-player collisions.
- 0.49
Spycam placement
Fixed issue with Cypher camera being placed on the Haven A Main boxes.
- 0.49
Cyber Cage range
Fixed a bug where Cypher's Cyber Cage would be selected at a larger range than intended causing overlapping interaction issues.
- 0.49
Ultimate icon
Fixed the ultimate ability icon above teammates' heads showing as charged after gaining 1 ult point instead of when actually charged.
- 0.47+
Spycam weapons
Cypher's Spycam can no longer use weapons.
- Beta
Availability of Cypher
Cypher is in the active duty since the very beginning of the Beta.

Sentinels are defensive experts who can lock down areas and watch flanks, both on attacker and defender rounds.
Cypher Contract · XP
T1 · 2% | 20,000 | |
T2 · 5% | 30,000 | |
T3 · 9% | 40,000 | |
T4 · 14% | 50,000 | |
T5 · 21% | 60,000 | |
| ||
T6 · 28% | 75,000 | |
T7 · 38% | 100,000 | |
T8 · 54% | 150,000 | |
T9 · 74% | 200,000 | |
T10 · 100% | 250,000 |
Total XP required: 975,000
How to finish?
To complete this contract in the next 40 days, earn 643,000 XP in addition to daily and weekly bonus. That's about 16,100 XP daily.
Cypher character
- Since
- Beta
- CC
- MA
- Earn
- Unlockable

Signature Card
- Cypher
- 사이퍼
- 零
- 瑟符
- サイファー
- سايفر