- Sage is the only agent that was picked by teams in the Closed Beta almost 100% of the time. She is an excellent healer for a team, and her Slow Orbs and Ice Wall has a potential to hold enemies while waiting her team to rotate. Sage can resurrect her teammates with one of the most powerful ultimates in the Valorant.
My power does not end. Ask for aid and you shall receive it.
- Origin:
Hero Skills
- Best
Move |
Reveal |
Hold |
Damage |
Heal |
- The stronghold of China, Sage creates safety for herself and her team wherever she goes. Able to revive fallen friends and stave off aggressive pushes, she provides a calm center to a hellish fight.
- Source:
Hero Facts
- ID
- 07
- Thorne
- Style
- Defensive
- Popularity
- High
- Power
- Live
- Gender
- Female
- №
- Original Ten
Barrier Orb C · Basic
Equip a barrier orb. Fire places a solid wall. AltFire rotates the targeter.
Lasts 30 seconds. Can be destroyed by Knife 8 hits, Classic 25 bullets, or Vandal 21 bullet. Wall is 2x weaker in first 3 seconds.
Charges: 1

Slow Orb Q · Basic
Equip a slowing orb. Fire to throw a slowing orb forward that detonates upon landing, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it.
It lasts about 7 seconds. Slows enemies and allies. Jump height is reduced.
Charges: 2

Healing Orb E · Signature
Equip a healing orb. Fire with your crosshairs over a damaged ally to activate a heal-over-time on them. AltFire while Sage is damaged to activate a self heal-over-time.
Heals self to 60 HP in 10 seconds or teammates to full HP over 5 seconds. Re-use after 35 seconds.
Charges: 1 Cost: Free

Resurrection X · Ultimate
Equip a resurrection ability. Fire with your crosshairs placed over a dead ally to begin resurrecting them. After a brief channel, the ally will be brought back to life with full health.
Reviving takes 3.5 seconds.
Orbs required: 7
Final Chamber Classic
Non-upgradable skin from the Sage Contract Chapter 2 Tier 10. The skin have a unique texture, and it is entirely cosmetic, without affecting the gameplay. The skin is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Sage Contract · C2T10
Radianite Orb
This gun buddy is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. It is automatically added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 6 of Sage Contract. The Sage Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Sage Contract · C2T6
All Good
This spray is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have their unique 3 sprays. It is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 2 of Sage Contract. The Sage Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Sage Contract · C1T2
Pulse Check
This animated spray is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have their unique 3 sprays. It is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 5 of Sage Contract. The Sage Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Sage Contract · C1T5
This spray is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have their unique 3 sprays. It is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 7 of Sage Contract. The Sage Contract is available since June 2, 2020.
Get via: Sage Contract · C2T7
Journey of Trials
This agent card is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have at least 2 different player cards. This card is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 9 of Sage Contract.
Get via: Sage Contract · C2T9
Valorant Sage
This agent card is obtainable by completing your selected Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have at least 2 different player cards. This card is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 3 of Sage Contract.
Get via: Sage Contract · C1T3
Versus // Omen + Sage
This premium card is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 7 Tier 31 of Formation : Act 1 Battlepass. But note, that a valid premium battle pass should be purchased to access this item. The premium Formation : Act 1 costs 1,000 Valorant Points.
Get via: Formation : Act 1 · C7T31

This is title from an Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have from 2 to 3 different titles. The title is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 2 Tier 8 of Sage Contract.
Get via: Sage Contract · C2T8

This is title from an Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have from 2 to 3 different titles. The title is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 4 of Sage Contract.
Get via: Sage Contract · C1T4

This is title from an Agent contract. Most, if not all, of agents have from 2 to 3 different titles. The title is added to your inventory after completing Chapter 1 Tier 1 of Sage Contract.
Get via: Sage Contract · C1T1
Total collectibles: 11
Pick rate · Sage
Latest changes · Sage
- 2.02
Plant the Spike on a Sage wall
Fixed issue where the Spike could be planted on Sage's wall on the sites on Icebox.
- 2.00
Plant the Spike on a Sage wall
Fixed an issue where Omen could plant the Spike while elevated on a Sage wall.
- 1.14
Barrier Orb cast
Barrier Orb can't be cast in Buy Phase. Although this was a hotfix solution intended to prevent an exploit with Omen, this change is overall a solid one that we believe creates cohesion across what can and can't be cast in buy phase. Most of the abilities cast during buy phase are meant to set up more permanent utility.
- 1.14
Barrier deterioration
Once fortified, Barrier no longer loses health over time—Barrier only starts to deteriorate a few seconds before it expires. Overall, we've been happy with how the fortified barrier has been playing but wanted to make some changes to prevent the mitigation of the fortifying counterplay, while rewarding Sage players that successfully fortify their walls. By removing the mitigation of the counterplay, we are able to investigate future opportunities to reward players that succeed in getting their barriers to fortify.
Patch notes · Sage
- 2.02
Plant the Spike on a Sage wall
Fixed issue where the Spike could be planted on Sage's wall on the sites on Icebox.
- 2.00
Plant the Spike on a Sage wall
Fixed an issue where Omen could plant the Spike while elevated on a Sage wall.
- 1.14
Barrier Orb cast
Barrier Orb can't be cast in Buy Phase. Although this was a hotfix solution intended to prevent an exploit with Omen, this change is overall a solid one that we believe creates cohesion across what can and can't be cast in buy phase. Most of the abilities cast during buy phase are meant to set up more permanent utility.
- 1.14
Barrier deterioration
Once fortified, Barrier no longer loses health over time—Barrier only starts to deteriorate a few seconds before it expires. Overall, we've been happy with how the fortified barrier has been playing but wanted to make some changes to prevent the mitigation of the fortifying counterplay, while rewarding Sage players that successfully fortify their walls. By removing the mitigation of the counterplay, we are able to investigate future opportunities to reward players that succeed in getting their barriers to fortify.
- 1.11
Wall segments no longer breaks
Sage wall segments no longer breaks if a player dies on top of them.
- 1.07
Heal reduced
Heal reduced from 100 over 5 seconds, to 60 over 5 seconds. Our goal is to reduce the amount of healing done throughout the round.
- 1.07
Self heal reduced
Self heal reduced from 100 over 5 seconds, to 60 over 10 seconds. Our goal is to disincentivize Sage from self healing and make it more expensive to do so.
- 1.07
Slow Orb size reduced
Slow Orb size reduced by 30%. This should slightly reduce the power of Slow Orb and increase intentionality. Right now, slow orb unintentionally covers a lot more ground than it should be if aimed properly.
- 1.07
Barrier Orb cost
Barrier Orb cost reduced from 400 to 300 credits.
- 1.07
Barrier Orb fortifying
Fortifying barrier wall forms at 400 HP—after a 3 second delay, the wall becomes fortified to 800 HP. Our hope is to increase counterplay on Barrier and reduce the strength of the wall during reactive use.
- 1.07
Viper's smoke abilities decay on allies
Decay on all Viper's smoke abilities no longer affects allies. This is mainly targeted towards Viper's Pit, and should help reduce some of the unintentional collateral damage she can cause to her team, while also opening new strategies for playing around her ult as a team.
- 1.04
Ultimate targeting unified
Gun pickup targeting and Sage Ultimate targeting unified with ally character highlights, saving VRam and GPU performance.
- 1.02
Spike would float
Fixed a bug where the Spike would float in the air if it had been placed on a Sage wall.
- 1.01
Barrier Orb cast range
Barrier Orb cast range reduced from 20 to 10 meters. As a Sentinel, Sage is supposed to be most effective when defending territory that she already controls. The 20m cast range was allowing Sage to aggressively take control of neutral territory in a way that was inappropriate for her role in Valorant. This range reduction aims to keep her strong while defending territory but reduce her efficacy at taking ground.
- 1.0
Inaccurate movement
Fixed a bug where players were fully movement inaccurate after being resurrected or respawning.
- 1.0
Healing Orb cooldown
Healing Orb cooldown increased from 35 to 45 seconds. We like how much Sage is able to heal in a single heal, but felt she was able to use it too frequently during a round.
- 1.0
Barrier Orb health
Barrier Orb segment health reduced from 1000 to 800.
- 1.0
Barrier Orb duration
Barrier Orb duration reduced from 40 to 30 seconds.
- 1.0
Barrier Orb duration
Friendly Barrier Orb walls now show on the minimap. Previous changes to Sage's Barrier Orb helped give it more counterplay options in pistol/early round but it's still having too much impact in any given round. Our hope is that the wall stays a powerful stalling tool, but asks you to think more about when in the round you want to use it.
- 1.0
Optimized VFX
Optimized abilities VFX for Sage.
- 1.0
Sound visualization
We've brought in more sounds made by Agents under the category of sounds that display their audio distance on the mini-map via the white circle. This includes ability sounds, reloads, spike interactions and more. Why? We wanted to provide players with the ability to understand when their noise can be heard by enemies and give them an idea of how far the sounds can be heard.
- 0.50
Slow Orb duration
Slow Orb zone duration decreased from 9 to 7 seconds.
- 0.50
Slow Orb slowing amount
Slow Orb slowing amount decreased from 65% to 50%. We all know Sage is OP. We've decided to try to reduce some of her stopping power while still allowing her to fulfill her role as the premier staller in VALORANT. These changes aim to reduce the overall efficacy of her Slow Orb, especially if they are chained back-to-back.
- 0.50
Resurrected players would have jittery movement
Fixed rare movement bug where resurrected players who were tagged would have jittery movement in 1st-person perspective.
- 0.50
Barrier Orb cost
Sage Barrier Orb increased from 300 to 400 credits.
- 0.50
Ability details in the combat report
Ability details in the combat report will now correctly appear in the buy phase of the round when teams switch sides.
- 0.50
Players appeared to be standing
Fixed a rare bug where players appeared to be standing, when they were actually crouching.
- 0.49
Smoothed out movement
Smoothed out movement during player-to-player collisions.
- 0.49
Barrier Orb spawn
Barrier Orb will only spawn a chunk of the barrier if it is supported by the ground, this means it will sometimes only spawn 2 barrier chunks.
- 0.49
Barrier Orb placement
Barrier Orb can no longer be placed on "small" pieces of geometry, it must be placed on the ground or on top of boxes. We love supporting boost gameplay, especially when multiple characters combine their abilities (looking at you Jett and Omen). However, we felt with the current placement requirements, characters were able to boost to too many unintended spots. With this change, players can still boost into some unexpected positions, but they hopefully won't be 30 feet in the sky and floating in the middle of the site to look through a tiny pinhole in the map.
- 0.49
Ultimate icon
Fixed the ultimate ability icon above teammates' heads showing as charged after gaining 1 ult point instead of when actually charged.
- 0.47+
Slow Orb slows air
Slow Orb now also slows the air speed of players in the zone.
- 0.47+
Slow Orb without walking noise
Players can now walk through the Slow Orb without making noise. Why though? Players were able to circumvent too much of Sage's Slow Orb by bunny hopping through the zone. We want the minimum slow amount to be a bit more consistent with all movement in the zone, while still allowing for bunny hopping and walking to provide a slight benefit to traversing the zone. Also, we feel adding a stealthy yet slow way to move through the field brings more nuance to playing against the zone and a bit more uncertainty for Sage, since she can't necessarily hear people who move through.
- 0.47+
Barrier Orb receives double damage
Melee attacks now inflict double the damage per hit to destructibles, including Sage's Barrier. Why? There weren't enough options during low econ rounds—such as the first round and right after switching sides—to combat Sage's Barrier Orb. Our intent is to add a high-risk, high-reward method for players to interact with her wall, while still being able to take it down, no matter their loadout.
- Beta
Availability of Sage
Sage is in the active duty since the very beginning of the Beta.

Sentinels are defensive experts who can lock down areas and watch flanks, both on attacker and defender rounds.
Sage Contract · XP
T1 · 2% | 20,000 | |
T2 · 5% | 30,000 | |
T3 · 9% | 40,000 | |
T4 · 14% | 50,000 | |
T5 · 21% | 60,000 | |
| ||
T6 · 28% | 75,000 | |
T7 · 38% | 100,000 | |
T8 · 54% | 150,000 | |
T9 · 74% | 200,000 | |
T10 · 100% | 250,000 |
Total XP required: 975,000
How to finish?
To complete this contract in the next 40 days, earn 643,000 XP in addition to daily and weekly bonus. That's about 16,100 XP daily.
Sage character
- Since
- Beta
- CC
- CN
- Earn
- Auto-granted

Signature Card
- Sage
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- 聖祈
- セージ
- سايج